Developed by the Intelligent Digital Systems Lab @ Imperial College London

As machine learning has become a fundamental workload in today's digital systems, there has been increasing demand for highly efficient hardware to run these workloads. The work done at the Intelligent Digital Systems Lab at Imperial College London aims to address this demand with fpgaConvNet: a toolflow for designing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) accelerators for FPGAs with state-of-the-art performance and efficiency. FPGA devices have long been considered a highly performant and efficient platform, where a designer can exploit the highly configurable fine-grain building blocks to produce customised hardware. However, many current FPGA designs for AI applications do not exploit these features, opting for a monolithic accelerator approach with very little specialisation towards the particular workload. With the fpgaConvNet toolflow, accelerator designs are customised to a specific CNN workload, mapping each operation in the CNN model to a dedicated hardware block. This leads to a deeply pipelined design with extremely high throughput and ultra low latency. The toolflow can be used to accelerate a number of applications, such as the ones listed below.

  • Image Classification
  • Object Detection
  • Human Action Recognition
  • Image Segmentation
  • Pose Estimation
  • Key Word Spotting
  • Anomaly Detection

The fpgaConvNet framework operates on an intermediate representation that describes the hardware of a mapped ML model. This component of the framework takes onnx files and creates the fpgaconvnet-ir used to generate hardware. Furthermore, the IR can also be used to generate high-level performance and resource models of the hardware. This IR is fundamental for rapid design space exploration.

fpgaconvnet model diagram
fpgaconvnet hls diagram

Using a configuration generated by the fpgaconvnet-model tool, the corresponding hardware can be generated by the fpgaconvnet-hls tool. This repository contains of selection of highly parametrised hardware building blocks for common CNN layers (Convolution, Pooling, ReLU, etc). A dataflow architecture is generated by instantiating and connecting these building blocks together based on the configuration file.

The design space of streaming architectures are immense, with even seemingly small networks such as LeNet having 1013 possible design points, taking 89 centuries to evaluate every single one. The fpgaConvNet toolflow allows designers to automate the design point selection process, using optimisation solvers tailored to the problem. SAMO is a framework that generalises the optimisation problem across streaming architectures, providing a toolflow for both FINN and HLS4ML. the fpgaconvnet-optimiser project is specialised to the fpgaConvNet architecture, finding even better design points.

fpgaconvnet hls diagram


A series of tutorials have been created as a learning resource for those wishing to familiarise themselves with the toolflow. These can be found in the fpgaconvnet-tutorial repository on GitHub. The repository contains the following tutorials,

  • End-to-End Example: covers the steps of parsing an ONNX graph and interfacing with its performance and resource models. It then shows the steps of optimising this hardware description, and generating an IP from it.

  • Hardware Tutorial: gives the necessary steps to integrate the IP into an example system, which is then used to create a bitstream. Example software is then given to collect performance results for the generated hardware.

  • YOLOv5 Acceleration: has instructions on running a YOLOv5 accelerator built by the fpgaConvNet tool using the PYNQ framework. This design won the AMD open hardware competition in 2023.

Optimisation Visualisation

To understand how the architecture generated by fpgaConvNet as well as the optimisation steps taken, an interactive visualisation of the design space exploration is displayed below. By moving the interactive slide bar, the state of the optimised design can be seen. The performance graph shows the change in performance in throughput and latency across the optimisers steps, with the current visualised point highlighted. Likewise, the resources and block diagram for the chosen point are also shown. This visualisation is created for the model LeNet targeting a ZedBoard.

Hardware Model:


MLPerf Tiny Benchmark

The results presented in this table are from our submission to MLPerf Tiny's benchmark, as part of the round v1.1 results. The MLPerf Tiny v1.1 submission demonstrates the versatility of the fpgaConvNet toolflow by targeting a range of low-cost FPGAs, whilst achieving ultra low latency across these devices. The obtained high performance is due to the exploration of the reconfigurability feature of FPGAs, allowing the tool to create highly tailored accelerator designs for each specific task and device. fpgaConvNet showcases the potential of FPGA devices for TinyML applications, as performance similar to that of ASICs is achieved whilst having the programmability of MCUs.

Device Task Latency LUT DSP BRAM Freq.
ZC706 Image Classification 0.15 ms 108K 564 281 187 MHz link
Visual Wake Word 0.72 ms 133K 564 366 200 MHz link
ZedBoard Image Classification 0.41 ms 47K 211 93 143 MHz link
Visual Wake Word 9.49 ms 34K 189 123 111 MHz link
Keyword Spotting 0.32 ms 37K 188 97 143 MHz link
ZyBo Image Classification 3.15 ms 16K 78 36 125 MHz link
Keyword Spotting 2.15 ms 15K 60 16 125 MHz link
Cora-Z7 Keyword Spotting 4.21 ms 13K 55 28 143 MHz link

Instructions on how to use the bitstream can be found in the MLPerf-Tiny repo.


Since the initial conception of the fpgaConvNet toolflow, there have been many research projects which have contributed to and utilised the framework. The core development of the toolflow has lead to innovations in Streaming Architecture design as well as Design Space Exploration. This in turn has enabled novel contributions in several application domains, broadening the scope of the toolflow. The growing list of research outcomes are listed below.

  • fpgaConvNet: A Framework for Mapping Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs

    FCCM 2016

    Stylianos I. Venieris and Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    The original paper detailing the design principles of fpgaConvNet, such as the application of Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) performance modelling for streaming architectures, and high-level resource estimation. This work also explores the use of bitstream reconfiguration for high-throughput applications.

  • Latency-Driven Design for FPGA-based Convolutional Neural Networks

    FPL 2017

    Stylianos I. Venieris and Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    This work explores methods of targeting latency for fpgaConvNet by constraining the design to a single bitstream, and making use of runtime weight parameter reconfiguration.

  • fpgaConvNet: Mapping Regular and Irregular Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs

    TNNLS 2018

    Stylianos I. Venieris and Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    The scope of fpgaConvNet is expanded to support more irregular network styles such as GoogleNet and ResNet, by including element-wise and concatenation layers in the design. This work addresses the design space exploration aspect of including multiple branches in the model.

  • Power-Aware FPGA Mapping of Convolutional Neural Networks

    FPT 2019

    Alexander Montgomerie-Corcoran and Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    This work explores the power consumption aspect of fpgaConvNet, producing high-level models of how design choices affect the power consumption of the accelerator.

  • DEF: Differential Encoding of Featuremaps for Low Power Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators

    ASP-DAC 2021

    Alexander Montgomerie-Corcoran and Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    In this paper, a novel coding scheme is introduced which exploits the properties of feature maps to reduce the activity along off-chip memory data busses, leading to lower system power consumption.

  • StreamSVD: Low-rank Approximation and Streaming Accelerator Co-design

    FPT 2021

    Zhewen Yu and Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    This work looks into methods of compressing ML models by using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to reduce the number of weight parameters required. fpgaConvNet was used to show how this method benefits ML accelerators.

  • SAMO: Optimised Mapping of Convolutional Neural Networks to Streaming Architectures

    FPL 2022

    Alexander Montgomerie-Corcoran*, Zhewen Yu* and Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    This work builds on the capabilities of fpgaConvNet's design space exploration, by proposing two optimisers (simulated annealing and rule-based), as well as expanding the scope to other FPGA-based ML accelerator frameworks, namely FINN and HLS4ML.

  • HARFLOW3D: A Latency-Oriented 3D-CNN Accelerator Toolflow for HAR on FPGA Devices

    FCCM 2023

    Petros Toupas*, Alexander Montgomerie-Corcoran*, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, Dimitrios Tzovaras

    A new architecture based off of the design principles of fpgaConvNet is developed in this work, but has the benefit of runtime parameter reconfiguration. This makes it suitable for low-latency applications as it avoids the need to do full bitstream reconfiguration, which is necessary for Human Action Recognition (HAR).

  • ATHEENA: A Toolflow for Hardware Early-Exit Network Automation

    FCCM 2023

    Benjamin Biggs, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, George A. Constantinides

    ATHEENA looks into using early exit networks with fpgaConvNet, and the challenges associated with handling early exit branches.

  • FMM-X3D: FPGA-based modelling and mapping of X3D for Human Action Recognition

    ASAP 2023

    Petros Toupas, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, Dimitrios Tzovaras

    This study bridges the gap between recent developments in computer vision on videos and their deployment and applications on FPGAs by optimising and mapping a state-of-the-art 3D-CNN model (X3D) for human action recognition (HAR).

  • PASS: Exploiting Post-Activation Sparsity in Streaming Architectures for CNN Acceleration

    FPL 2023

    Alexander Montgomerie-Corcoran*, Zhewen Yu*, Jianyi Cheng, Christos-Savvas Bouganis

    this work addresses the challenges associated with exploiting post-activation sparsity for performance gains in streaming CNN accelerators.

  • fpgaHART: A toolflow for throughput-oriented acceleration of 3D CNNs for HAR onto FPGAs

    FPL 2023

    Petros Toupas, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, Dimitrios Tzovaras

    Optimising and mapping state-of-the-art 3D-CNN models for human action recognition (HAR) while aiming for throughput-oriented designs.